Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog About Twitter

Twitter vs. Blackboard, well that's easy. As one of the most disliked platforms amongst students, blackboard is quickly taking a backseat when pitted against the likes of twitter for discussions. As students, we're often crunched for time and just want to get things done. With a complicated portal like blackboard that either doesn't ever load or takes forever, Twitter is a welcomed change. If we can get our point across in 140 characters, we're more than happy. Where I think Twitter comes up short, is vs. an in class discussion. Fewer theaters offer the same kind of connection that a classroom does. A classroom fosters an environment for learning and constantly challenges it's occupants. Twitter, although represented by those same students is somewhat limiting in that it's responses are so short and can often be cluttered when conversing with many students. Classroom discussions have a sort of set of rules that allow a respectful experience while maximizing input.

1 comment:

  1. You make a very interesting point about twitter's characters limitation. Students want to have the opportunity of going straight to the point in a discussion. Blackboard, I agree, is complex, and slow. However, discussion boards offer information in detail and it may open deeper discussions.
